Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Let My Cup (or maybe Coke bottle?) Overflow.

    I am loving being a crew leader at my church's VBS. Where else do you get to have tight hugs (I'm talking bone breaking tight-these girls are stronger than you'd thing), dancing, spinning, playing Simon Says in the hallway, doing arts and crafts, playing games with water, sand, and kitchen utensils, talking raccoons, goldfish, singing, and, of course, learning more about God EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT?
    I love my girls so very much. I have to admit, when my fellow crew leader didn't show up tonight, I was a little bit worried about being in charge of 7 girls by myself-I'm only 14, after all. But it really turned out great! I love seeing the looks on their faces when they learn something new at Shake It Up Cafe. I did have to break up some arguments, but it doesn't take a long time of being goofy, or just talking with them, to stick a smile back on their face.
    Oh, and what would VBS be without random discussions of the separation of church and state during storytelling? And the discovery that Jewish and Christian are not the same thing? And the spinning of eggs? And, of course, PAINT?
    I just love children. My friend Lauren started a devotion at the lower elementary school this year, and asked me to help her out. That has been such a blessing as well. Hannah, Abby, Makayla, Ivy, Kayden, Mackensie, Aimee, Isabella, AJ, Camron, Keely, Hannah Grace, Daniel, Grayson-just SOME of my kids in both VBS and the devotion-all have a special place in my heart.
    Children are (most of the time...) so innocent and ready to learn, unlike adults and teenagers, who too often get defensive. They have something to teach me about having a child-like faith, the kind where the only thing that truly matters is the love that Jesus has for us, and everything else is secondary. I only hope that they will learn something from me too!
    My favorite activity this week has been a game where you have to fill up a 2 liter bottle with water until it overflows. It was supposed to symbolize the love of God, the kind that fills you up so much that you have to pass it on! This task reminds me of one of my favorite songs from camp:
(Oh fill my cup) Oh fill my cup and let it overflow!
(Oh fill my cup) Oh fill my cup and let it overflow!
(Oh fill my cu-u-u-up) Oh fill my cup and let it overflow!
Let it overflow with love!
    The constant hugs and giggles that me and my girls share are great examples of the love that we need to take to the entire world.
    Just think: if we all got rid of the jealousy, anger, dishonesty, and hate, God would have so much room to pour in his love, so much that our hearts could overflow.