Monday, June 20, 2011

You Know When You're About To Move When....

  • You constantly feel the overwhelming urge to take a nap
  • Every time someone asks you what you're doing the following day, you respond "packing". EVERY TIME.
  • You've been offered by everyone you know to come live at their house instead of moving
  • You try to avoid actually working at all costs. After all, watching a movie at a friend's house is VERY important.
  • You wonder how after five hours of throwing stuff into boxes you've barely made a dent
  • You are little miss responsible and make a packing schedule, then get so far behind that you throw it out and make it up as you go along
  • You find stuff in your garage that you haven't touched or thought about in four years and say, "Why in the WORLD do I have this?"
  • You get used to the phrase, "Check that box for roaches."
  • Then scream as 6 or 7 of the aforementioned critters scurry out of the box that you're holding
  • You absolutely LOVE the trash can
  • You become a master at all things tape-like
  • You feel strange when you go into your room and see that there is nothing in it
  • You learn to hate stuff
  • ^^ So, you make resolutions to have no stuff in your future house
  • Your life somehow fits into a 26'x10' box
  • You regret all of those spring cleaning seasons that have gone by without cleaning out ANYTHING
  • You estimate how long you think it will take you to finish a room, then quadruple it
  • Your family alone supplies the garage sale that your church is putting together
  • When you try to trash unfinished homework from fourth grade, your friends say things like, "You're throwing away your childhood!"
  • You start to cook something, then realize that you've packed away all of your pots, pans, and dishes
  • You feel bad because people find out that you're moving when you mention it in a casual conversation
  • You learn to eat only sandwiches and fast food
  • Crying every day from stress is a normal occurance
  • You learn the absolute truth that one day makes a difference
  • You're infinitely grateful for those crazy enough to willingly endure the torture with you
  • You call your friends after a long day and whine about how terrible it is
  • You don't realize how awesome your church is until it's your last Sunday and you're sobbing on the shoulders of every member
  • You finally get resigned to the idea of leaving
  • Then, you finally look out the window and see the beautiful blues, lavenders, canary yellows, golds, and burnt oranges, and realize that God was carrying you through all of that. And you remember that he still does care that you're tired and stressed. And you remember that he has something huge in store for you in the new place that you'll be living. And that's pretty awesome.

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